Floating Stadium
Atlanta Exterior Space Stadium
Time: 09/2022 - 12/2022
Location: Atlanta Midtown
Project type: Gatech 2022Fall Studio Final
Individual Project

Project Introduction
Inspired from exterior space typology research, I designed space combining two circulation spaces: alley and viaduct. They create a leading path connecting all the programs of the stadium, and provide mixed experiences of compression and opennes. In order to extend the circulation vertically, I make most of the stadium programs floating in different levels including the infinite pool on the second floor and the basketball court on top of the building. It also leaves a pocket garden on the ground floor next to the street corner to draw people into the space. I designed varying sizes of programs from 8’x8’ and 10’x10’ furnitrue-like structures to 30’x30’ sports room. The smaller cubes hanging on the trusses and are used as small gardens, resting area, and little shops; and spacially they extend from under the floor and above the ceiling to decorate and form the alley and viaduct spaces.
Concept Generation
Diagrams and Sketches
"Alley" is space about compression with wall on both sides and "Viaduct" is space about open with air on both sides.


Develop new forms by combining these two types of circulation spaces and let it "grow" in three-dimension space.
New alley space forming by mixed size of programs controlled by grd
New viaduct space
Circulations grow in Z direction

Concept about infinite pool
Circulation space with mixing experience
Design Articulation

Luckie Street
Forsyth street NW
Site Plan

Elevation perspective from Luckie street

Racquet ball
Racquet ball
Luckie street
Forsyth street NW

Ground floor plan
Second floor plan

Pocket garden and fair